7:41 am 30/12/20

Running a Successful IT Apprenticeship Program, and Why


Running a Successful IT Apprenticeship Program & Why "Running an effective IT apprenticeship programs can help your company diversify your talent pipeline, fill skills gaps and upskill and retain workers on the latest technology. The word apprenticeship typically conjures up [...]

Running a Successful IT Apprenticeship Program, and Why2022-03-15T12:39:55-04:00
9:49 am 22/12/20

Different Ways to be a Ransomware Victim, and How to Avoid Them


Different Ways to be a Ransomware Victim, and How to Avoid Them "Ransomware is once again in the news. Attackers are reportedly targeting health care providers and are using targeted phishing campaigns disguised as meeting invites or invoices that [...]

Different Ways to be a Ransomware Victim, and How to Avoid Them2022-03-15T11:52:39-04:00
12:31 pm 09/12/20

Attributes Every IT Leader Must Have


Attributes Every IT Leader Must Have "Becoming a true IT leader, someone who inspires teams to consistently reach new heights, requires skills that can only be acquired over time through hard work and a commitment to succeed. Transformational leaders [...]

Attributes Every IT Leader Must Have2022-03-15T11:54:03-04:00
2:51 pm 02/12/20

Cyberattack Attribution Pitfalls


Cyberattack Attribution Pitfalls "Attack attribution is always difficult as criminal groups often share code and techniques, and nation-state actors excel at deception. Here, security researchers share their techniques and common pitfalls. Attributing cyberattacks to a particular threat actor is [...]

Cyberattack Attribution Pitfalls2022-03-15T11:55:28-04:00
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