7:55 am 27/06/16

The Evolution of the CIO


"Longtime chief information officers reflect on how their day-to-day activities have changed and what skills are most important for today's IT leaders" in a recent article found in Campus Technology magazine. What do you think? Let us know. Blog [...]

The Evolution of the CIO2022-03-15T08:59:21-04:00
1:21 pm 07/03/16

CISOs Lack Access to CEO


According to a recent study by the ISACA and RSA Conference, less than 15% of CISO's report having direct access to their CEOs, instead having to filter information to the CEO through others in the C-Suite. Explore the potential [...]

CISOs Lack Access to CEO2022-03-15T08:34:51-04:00
4:57 pm 15/01/16

State of the CIO 2016


"The 15th annual State of the CIO report reveals that IT leaders are caught between the demand to ensure functional efficiency and security and the need to drive digital transformation as strategic business partners". Access the entire article by [...]

State of the CIO 20162022-03-15T08:33:04-04:00
3:03 pm 11/01/16

CIOs New Value


"The CIO’s role has evolved in 2015 to be one of even greater responsibility, leadership and opportunity. 2016 will be no different. This year, the CIO will have even more opportunities to lead by conveying the value of investments". Read [...]

CIOs New Value2022-03-15T08:32:20-04:00
8:46 am 30/01/15

Turning Information into Integration – The Future CIO


"CIOs can help drive innovation by serving as a link between the business strategy and the IT agenda—fusing the vision for tomorrow with the realities of today". Understand how this might best be accomplished in a recent article accessible [...]

Turning Information into Integration – The Future CIO2022-03-15T08:25:09-04:00
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