9:14 pm 04/03/20

“Process Improvement”?


Working with prospects and clients alike often starts by laying a foundation of mutual understanding by educating them about who we are, what we do and how we do it. One the most frequent questions we get during this [...]

“Process Improvement”?2022-03-15T11:13:22-04:00
6:03 pm 20/12/19



ETCETERA Accounts Payable Optimization System (APOS) offers the most dynamic, flexible and accommodating solutions and services for optimizing Accounts Payable processes. ETCETERA APOS provides the platform for AAP Process Optimizations that address the unique requirements of each organization. Solutions [...]

ETCETERA APOS2022-03-15T11:21:35-04:00
9:55 am 15/08/19

Digital… Disruption?


"Digital transformation" has become a familiar term, but sometimes different terms can mean different things to different people. An article in CIO magazine sought to cut through the perceived differences, marketed "lingo" and differences of opinion on digital transformation to [...]

Digital… Disruption?2022-03-15T10:51:03-04:00
1:54 pm 08/11/16

From Best Practice to Best Fit


Interesting article exposing the shortcomings of best practices in security - the risk of conformity and a one size firs all mentality. Learn why it's just as import to consider internal factors and analysis in determining what approaches work [...]

From Best Practice to Best Fit2022-03-15T08:50:05-04:00
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